Loper Bike RENT-AND-RIDE Program

Rent and Ride - Loper Bikes Program

学生 should worry about their grades, not their wheels. The Loper Bike RENT-AND-RIDE program allows students to zoom around campus on a quality bicycle, 以低成本, 没有麻烦.

It's simple - Click the blue Request a Loper Bike link below or contact the campus rec office for more information at loperbikes@promisesurfing.net 

$ 50 | 每个秋季学期
$ 50 | per Spring semester
$ 95 | per Academic year (Fall and Spring semesters)
$ 50 | per Summer semester
$145 | per calendar year

  • 更快的开关
  • 节省油钱
  • Great for the environment
  • 方便出租
  • Build a community of riders


Frequently Asked Questions