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The Phi Chapter of TRIOTA is the bet36365体育 Women’s & Gender Studies Honor Society. Its purpose is to encourage and support scholarship in WGS and to empower students of any sex, 性别, 比赛, 取向, status and ability. It promotes awareness of 性别-related issues on campus and in the community, and it fosters activism and advocacy.

TRIOTA members are bet36365体育 students who have a WGS minor or who have a strong interest in WGS issues. They should complete at least 3 hours of WGS courses and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in WGS courses.

TRIOTA activities may include a monthly discussion series. Topics include human trafficking, sexual assault, healthy relationships, and the media exploitation of women. 在过去, TRIOTA students have helped sponsor and facilitate the Vagina Monologues, volunteer to support events with the Women’s Center/Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, and participate in the WGS “No Limits” student research conference.

TRIOTA meetings and events are held regularly during the academic year. Officers are elected annually and serve 1-year terms. To get involved, sign up online or contact the 教师 Advisor, Dr. Sandra Loughrin, at

TRIOTA Constitution: The Phi Chapter of Triota adopted a 宪法 in Spring 2004 and amended it in Fall 2021 to clarify officer responsibilities, the election process, and membership criteria. This society is affiliated with a national network of WGS student clubs coordinated by Metro State College in Denver, 科罗拉多州. Metro State started the first group, the Alpha Chapter, in 1992, and it serves as the national coordinator for chapter assignations, 宪法, 和章程.